Hey Guys,
Just want to let you know about an issue I discovered where Bx Digital V2 causes CPU spikes that crash protools with an AAE 9173 error. If you upgrade to Bx_Digital V3 this resolves the issue. I hear some people say if you put an Avid plug in in front of the Bx_Digital V2 in your chain it will fix the issue also. I’ve tried that and while it seems to have helped reduce the number of Protools crash occurrences, it does not resolve the CPU spikes completely. Also check out the eq settings I have on my master. Pretty cool trick to roll out everything off the sides buss and clean up the low end in the overall mix. Hope this helps some of you who are having this issue. Maybe you wont spend an entire day trying to figure out whats causing the Protools AAE 9173 crash!
April 17
Brainworks Bx_Digital V2 CPU Spikes